React Sorting Algorithms Visualizer

A visualization tool for some of the most popular sorting algorithms in Computer Science.

React App Development
React, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Material UI

About the project

This React Sorting Algorithms Visualizer was created to help struggling Computer Science students grasp an understanding of Computer Science sorting algorithms. Being able to identify the patterns makes it easier to understand and remember how different algorithms work.

Project Inspiration and Motive

While taking Computer Science courses in High School, I struggled with remember different sorting algorithms. I would grasp an understanding, but once I was tested on the spot, it was difficult for me to recall. To help solve this issue, I decided to create a sorting algorithms visualizer. The original project was created with Java, but as I moved into Web Development, I decided to try and recreate this project. Not only were the visualizations helpful for me when studying, building the project gave me hands on experience coding the algorithms.

App Next Steps

I plan on incorporating more and more sorting algorithm visualizations to this app. I will delve into the more uncommon and obscure algorithms. I also plan on added addition functionality, such as an option to change the speed at which the algorithms run as well as a option to change the array size.

App Features

  • Appealing and Dynamic Visualizations
  • Menu for Choosing Desired Algorithms
  • Array Randomizations